On a brighter note, I’m really looking forward to LI this week. I love Casa. Loads of new people, most of which have some weird chats trying to build a connection as soon as possible
. I hope you’re all ready for some dodgy Sean sweet chat again lol!! Here’s my predictions a week early;
- Nicole and Ciaran: Ciaran will stray but still come back single for Nicole
- Joey and Jessy: Joey kisses at least 2 girls at Casa and will recouple with one
- Jess and Trey: Both recouple with people they meet in Casa
- Grace and Konor: Both recouple with Casa people obv
- Ayo and Mimi: Loyal, won’t do anything. Think Mimi will get annoyed over him chatting to a few girls though
- Uma and Will: Will will re-couple, Uma will chat but come back to Will single
- Matilda and Sean: Both will have chats, maybe even kiss but still come back together
Btw I wrote this whole thing totally forgetting about Matilda and Sean, that’s how fed up with them I am
Added them in now lol