Guys I took a bullet for all and watched the live. I was ironing so it gave me background noise.
As others have said they said a lot without saying much at all.
Luca and Gemma aren't official. It does sound like they plan to go away later this week together but he didn't confirm anything.
Her mum is a lovely woman apparently.
Luca won't be watching reunion he and Gemma are going for food.
Jacques hasn't spoken to Paige. Sarcastically wished her and Adam the best and made some sly remark about how her mum clearly loved Adam.
Dami came on and they discussed the skid marks, Jacques finds it funny. He had the shits that day apparently.
The producers kept having to come in to tell Luca and Jacques off.
Dami said Luca is very genuine and sort of told people to get off his back he's just more emotional than them.
Best cooks in there were Davide and Antigoni
That was about it. It was very chaotic and they haven't the first clue how to work a live.