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Error she has to parent 1.5 children... Darcy at teacher dad Matt half the time. Get she wishes she had actually bothered to make that bloody garden a children area... Can't be!i've with her half a million a year it isn't a kids parsdise... Wooden climbing creme with swings attached, wooden kids Wendy house... Kids veg patch, wild flower area charities had down the seeds ( Lidl sell easy to throw and grow seed packs of veg herbs and kids flowers) but... She s livin it up to get rattled nsme..... Lazyarse.... Did having a fun physical child friendly activity garden... When you can lazyarse yr way every Tues to mates soft play..... To sit on your arse!!!!!... LadyP.. Bum/ bed sores soon be on yr buttocks lazryarselooooeeeese