Oh Louise, you clever, lazy-ass minx. In a podcast, she can just word vomit for 45mins/an hour and some post-production fairy (i.e. underpaid intern probably) will tizzy up the sound and bingbangboom there's your podcast. It's an EVEN LAZIER WAY for her to 'create content'. Twitter and instagram (and the 11 people who still use facebook) will give her topical topics to discuss (hurrdurr balancing work and motherhood ummmbumm social media and striving for perfection yadayada) and inane questions to answer, BYO humblebrag. She'll have guests, who will carry the show and be picked for their audience as opposed to their merit, and then like... 25% of it will be shittily singing the same 4 songs. No need to pretend to wash clean laundry that her cleaner has already washed, or push her baby through a twee village and not let them eat real food because it will mess up their #gifted outfit. She can repeat loudly and often that she's 'totes excited' she doesn't have to wear a bra, or put on make up, or hold up a camera, or make her house presentable or... anything, really, except talk about tit for an extended period of time. This medium was freaking MADE FOR HER.
It was inevitable that she start a podcast, I'm just surprised she hasn't turned her bedroom into a recording booth so she can do it from her 'soft office'.