She says she has thick skin, but had just seconds before in the vlog referred negative comments as feedback, but you could see she was desperate to call it hate or trolls or something equally ridiculous.
She doesn’t understand why people don’t like and use Facebook, she sees it as positive, so she is totally ignorant of all the criticisms that have been aimed at Facebook in recent years, really, are you sure it isn’t just that nice cheque coming from Facebook Louise that keeps you positive about it?
Moaning about having to edit the old Weekly on a Saturday, even though it was “family time”, well poor love she has to spend a couple of hours every Saturday doing a bit of work. Woe is her, it isn’t like millions of other people lose their “family time” because of working much more than a couple of hours on a Saturday. Is she that ignorant of the privileged position she is in. She has family time for the rest of Saturday, all of Sunday, all week with Pearl, half the week with Darcy when she finishes school. It’s a lot more time than many parents get who work much longer hours.
A nice little comment she made about vloggers saying there is lots going on behind the scenes, if all vloggers are saying it either all vloggers are lazy or all are lying. Well, I think it is more a mixture, some lazy some lying. Most of them don’t know what it means to be busy having never worked proper jobs.