Just to say I took items i got over the year to a children's charity and a sick children's hospital earlier on. It was gratefully recieved but they are still short on gifts to give to those who need and will cherish it. So i just wanted to say I know it's been a crappy year for everyone but if you could and are able to do so, donate a book or cuddly toy or a chocolate selection box to your nearest food bank or hospital please do. It Will be very appreciated.
I really want to do this - my dream in the future is to run some sort of charity thing, where I play arcade machines and any prizes won will go to a charity or hospital (also, I just really love claw machines haha) as I was in that position once upon a time and know how much it means. But I was worried I’d be rejected because corona.
I always think that Christmas is such a weird time for influencers. Like, Louise was gifted that bear for Pearl and did an ad with it but if I were Louise, if I accepted that gift, it would either go to charity (assuming my own kids had loads already) or would be accepted and put away as a Christmas gift, THEN a review would be posted once it had been opened and enjoyed. I wouldn’t say Louise is as grabby as others out there but she will still happily take gifts for the kids and I just think - those kids getting toys like that, must take the shine off Christmas a bit.
Going off piste a bit: Centre Parcs always seems a very... middle class holiday location to me. Or at least a ‘people with lots of money’ sort of holiday
I mean no offence by that. I think that’s why I enjoyed this vlog - it was so far removed from my type of holiday. Slumming it in a dirty chalet in Butlins, ah the mems
(no offence meant there either, bloody love a butlins, we just seem to attract the scuzzy chalets!) - but then weirdly it doesn’t seem like Louise’s kind of holiday, from my understanding there are lots of outdoor activities and it’s very physical - e.g. can’t picture Louise going out on the bikes
Interesting to see Liam in this vlog, I think it’s the most I’ve seen of him on camera, I haven’t watched a Louise vlog in ages. I found him interesting as well, ‘cause he seemed lovely but a bit stiff/unsure in front of the cameras. I get the sense (purely from watching this vlog so I could be entirely off the mark) that Louise is very high maintenance and Liam by contrast is the softer yes man.