It is her feed and she can do want she likes on it, right? I thought she addressed it well and invited those who want perky perfection to look elsewhere. The idea you would take life lessons from entitled (as in actually wrote to her to tell her about herself) randos on the internet is lol to me.
I think a little of the issue with her (I don’t have an issue with her kid stuff, don’t have them couldn’t care less, can’t imagine I could care if I did have them ) is her delivery is pretty dour on everything - even her make up sessions. I’d say she’s just not a light type. (I don’t think she is especially dour, just her delivery ....but she is quite serious).
And actually if you’re an online presence you need to be solid in yourself, if you take the feedback you’d fracture yourself - like FullerFigureFullerBust who seems to be in a right old state because she addresses every criticism.