miss trixie
VIP Member
It's being saved for opening in Marbella. She is running true to form as she has done this previously. Once they're in situ, we will be treated to an ostentatious display of gifts (all still in their packaging). We are meant to believe that these have not yet been opened and that she often doesn't know what the contents are. This is, of course, complete bullsh*t and is all for the 'Gram. There will be the usual collection of balloons festooned here and there, possibly a few photo's of Loons & Lurch plastered all over the place for added induced-nausea and an ice bucket with (you've guessed it) a bottle of Whispissing Angel. Yes, we've all been on hols with the Luxe's before, so kinda know what to expect. Still, we're off to sunny Spain so sit back and enjoy!