But wouldn’t there be more indignation / shock / horror about it all. Her response to Sonja wasn’t - oh my god, remove my work!! Or was it?! Am I misremembering?
If you run short of specials, @MariaDiegaReyes I've got a contact where you can get some at a good price. I placed a bulk order when I learned of the Paris "relocation" and my friend Mr Ali was vurrrry obliging & supplied me at a cut price. I've let you have details later, together with my special discount code!Oh my god, laughing out loud here. Getting my special pants for all this. Glad Lorna is feeling “safe” whilst she’s “relocates”
This made me lol so much, I read it in a Scouse accent
Aah, but are you any good at standing on one leg next to a trash bin whilst vacantly staring into the distance & ruffling your hair at the same time, all to the soundtrack of Material Girl?Love it. We can do a little photo shoot a la Lorna
You beat me to it ... God I’m slow today internet in Ikea is shite !!Yet she goes to the same places every bleeping time.
So totally full of shite.
She gets more deluded every day!Yet she goes to the same places every bleeping time.
So totally full of shite.
Has she done the big reveal then?I really want to say I can’t believe she’s bought 2 new bags from Chanel, but I can believe it entirely
Literally just came on to post the same thing. Actually embarrassing!!Yet she goes to the same places every bleeping time.
So totally full of shite.
She’s a big hit on Ali!
It’s crazy!! No wonder she’s ‘so nervous’ every time a new collection comes out. She’s worried she will get caught out. Must be tough creating those mood boards eh Lorna? Screen shotting shite from Ali express and sending over to Frisby?
It is fantastic! So to the point and in her face. Can’t figure out if LL knows about it?Have you all checked out Insta page of onetoomanytryhards. Lornafest.
Oh yeah .. Wasn’t it her birthday pressie ?Was this not a gift?
This is old. Not got the same disgusting nails as today, which need a bloody good scrub, by the way. In fact, all of her looks like it's in need of an intensive scrub - preferably with Swarfega & a scrubbing brush.Was this not a gift?
She will because it's been mentioned on here within last day or so. I'm losing track of time cos things moving so quickly.It is fantastic! So to the point and in her face. Can’t figure out if LL knows about it?