The panel needs scaling back. There are too many that come and go. I would get rid of boring Brenda (nice enough but adds nothing to the panel), Jane Moore (know it all and pretty irrelevant these days,plus she is kind of a hybrid between Janet and Carol, so doesn't really add anything), Stacey Solomon (very unpopular). I'd replace Stacey with an LGBT panelist (it is 2020 after all), perhaps Paris Lees or Anna Richardson.
They could have Mondays - Andrea, Coleen, Judi & Janet, Tuesdays - Andrea, Coleen, Linda & Kelle, Wednesdays - Ruth, Judi, New LGBT panellist & Denise/Carol on an alertnating rota to mix things up, then Thursdays - Christine, Kaye/Gloria Hunniford in rotation, Nadia & Carol, Fridays - Christine, Saira, Carol & Nadia.