Rhys Davies new Instagram The Bearded Transformation is very interesting. By which I mean incredibly boring, of course.
For the hundred thousandth time he'll be banging on about how he was once poor and ripped, then rich and fat, then rich and ripped, then even richer and fatter and now, before his wealth and corpulence get the better of him, he's going to reeeeeewind back to the good old days that everyone remembers him for (by everyone he means, I think, himself and his brother. Probably his mum) and get into the best shape of his life. All powered by generic graphic memes.
What IS a little bit interesting is why he'd even bother. The new Insta is going to be the same as every other social channel they have by the looks of it. A dollop of bullshit dusted with a sprinking of crap - NLP, entrepreneur, #hashtag, #endlessbloodyhashtags, picture of food, repeat ad nauseum.
Don't get me wrong, I don't want him to NOT have this Insta. Any new opportunities to watch this hilarious soap opera play out from a (very very) slightly different angle is all good. But no-one actually cares, as is pretty clear from his lack of engagement anywhere else.
It's a bit like releasing a single, getting to number 174 in the Estonian charts for a week and deciding that's the perfect base from which to launch a triple album inspired by Homer's Odyssey played entirely on hurdy-gurdy. Mind you, I'd buy that too.