Few things, Did you see the video of him bragging about the brand new trainers that he 'Forgot' he had and thanked the 'Burglar' for reminding him mmmmmmm, i know people that live in the street that wouldnt wear any of them Rascal things you fuckin idiot, Secondly this was staged, Clear Insurance job, But what the FOOL doesnt realise is that you are not covered by your insurance if you advertise you are away from the property, you are getting nothing, no payout no nothing you pussyole. then he is showing off his 'Cigars' but showing off the watch as the angle his arm is at is unatural. that is the fakest looking Daytona i have ever seen, Wheres the iced out AP gone gayboy???? wheres the Lambo Gayboy??, cant wait to see you back on your mums floor, We know you are reading all this so come on lets have a comment, Give us your views. You cant even do a fuckin insurance job right you bleep
Oh and Llewy, Everyone on here has experienced you 'First hand' you fuckin cock jockey, Talking about 'Cancers' and this and that in you little video, thing is sunshine, for me personally, i 'OWN' everything i have, I bought it 'Working' with my own two hands, I 'OWN' my luxurious home, all my cars and all my valubles i did that 'Grafting' hard, not blagging people, you my friend have NOTHING, you will be homeless soon, that is why you are latching onto that shemale thing that is currently the highlight of the month, but she will see through you in a minute just like your wife did then you'll need another victim, But we are the 'Cancers' ?? You really are a silly little man with as much class as green garden bin, Hows your daughter mate?? she good yeah? will you be spending some quality time with her this xmas? Mmmmmmmmm doubful, me on the other hand will hold my children tight safe in the knowledge they know i treated their mother with love and respect and that is what they will alway remember it, will your daughter? nah mate, She will grow up knowing you are nothing but a classless bleep
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