Glad to see normal service has resumed after the excitement of this week's trip to Spain...
As expected, Rhys Davies is back to pushing the Twins' coaching "services" across Facebook, looking to leverage Llewy's competition success.
Of course, he might as well have won Europe's Best Angler, or Tiddlywink Champion of The Universe, for all its relevance. Any of them would have demonstrated an ability to focus on a goal and work towards it.. It seems that only in the self-obsessed, weirdly over-confident bodybuilding/fitness space does this translate to be able to coach people on EVERY aspect of their life and work.
Apparently they "always win" and "are the two coaches in the UK with the international experience personally, professionally that have ALL the acolades and qualifications to help you move forward in life!"
So, for those just joining us..
A Top Three in a bodybuilding comp (as marvellous as it is in itself), doesn't negate the paid-for Instagram Followers, the dreadful available company performance figures, the lying about owning property they rent, the countless unfulfilled promises to be buying / starting companies that never happen, failed YouTube channels etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc.
As per usual, just a word of advice to dig into the back history of these two before paying them any money for "coaching". They have no track record of running successful businesses (they're simply self-employed, which is fine, but they're hardly captains of industry), or building an online presence. If you're after muscle-building advice, maybe they're the dudes for you.
For literally anything else? That'll be a hard "no".