I’m trying to potty train mini for the fourth time as nursery have said ideally they want her out of nappies before she goes up to their pre school at the end of the month. Which is fine, I also want her potty trained obviously. She’s just turned 3 so I do think it’s time. But she is so fucking strong willed it’s unbelievable; she is clever and also lazy so is happy to keep wearing nappies so someone else changes her. This morning she has weed through two pairs of knickers; the second time she laughed as she did it and maintained eye contact with me. So I feel like she is doing it on purpose
the rest of her knickers are at the new house so I’ve had to put her a nappy back on. I’m really really annoyed because I know she could do it but is choosing not to. And I am worried what nursery are going to say to me tomorrow