I think that’s as honest as Elizabeth will ever be these days, a colourful interpretation of the truth to suit her current narrative. She’s spending the majority of her time in New York with absolutely nothing going on and she looks miserable.
Is it really encroaching on her privacy to ask about Luigi? The cat who Lizzy made the center of her content for 10 months before being carted off to her mother’s house. Saying he is still living with Anne really isn’t that deep.
There isn’t any plausible way Lizzy can coherently explain why she bought a cat if she was planning to live between two cities on two continents, other than bi-continental living simply wasn’t something she was considering when Luigi came into her life - less than a year before. She will never admit it.
Lizzy will also never admit to how much of her life and mental health revolves around Lindsey. It really is unhealthy and is never going to bring longterm happiness.
She will never admit Luigi was bought on a whim because of Arthur and she gave him to Anne to keep up with Linda’s next whim - Portugal.
Similarly Elizabeth doesn’t know how long she’ll pretend to live in New York for because she’s going to try and keep the charade going until Linda returns to living in London. She already said in a previous vlog something to the tune of “Portugal won’t be for forever, she’ll [Linda] will be back and then I’ll be back”. Lizzy’s probably too hesitant to give a firm date incase Linda decides to call time on Portugal early and she must know she’s pushing her luck with the American visa situation.
I suppose if Lizzy’s followers don’t follow Linda it isn’t immediately obvious where the idea for NY, Luigi and all the instances before then originated from.
I’ve thought for a while now that if Lizzy could afford to financially drop Youtube she would have shelved it by now. Her last paid video was almost three months ago, so I do wonder how long she’ll keep going with it if the paid opportunities don’t return.