Liza Prideaux #2

I normally don't mind Liza. I was pleased to see an influencer paying for a weekend away out of their own pocket and having a great time - after all, no mention of it being a gifted stay in any of her stories. And then boom, 'ad pr' at the bottom of her grid post, not even correctly capitalised in the hopes no one notices. She's gone down in my estimation as have Butlins.
I normally don't mind Liza. I was pleased to see an influencer paying for a weekend away out of their own pocket and having a great time - after all, no mention of it being a gifted stay in any of her stories. And then boom, 'ad pr' at the bottom of her grid post, not even correctly capitalised in the hopes no one notices. She's gone down in my estimation as have Butlins.

no it's not a free trip with butlins. If you tap the picture the ad-pr is hols who she did an ad with.
I thought he was a self employed electrician so I expect he works when he wants.
He also built his own house in his early twenties so I expect they are a lot better off for their age.

Yes to both accounts, although pretty sure he originally shared the house with his brother, so will have had to buy him out at some point. Wasn’t in a great area of town either.