Sounds like a Florida swamp serial killer nicknameRiver Ray
I absolutely cackled at this. It’s a bleeping awful name.Sounds like a Florida swamp serial killer nickname
Nothing against breastfeeding but I swear in 90% of her stories since she gave birth she has a tit out. She’s promoting that stupidly priced probiotic drink again today with everything hung out and the excuse that’s she’s showing it’s even more important to take care of her body now
Agree breast feeding is a beautiful thing but we don’t need to see it every story she knows what she is doing.
How can you tell if someone breastfeeds? Oh believe me they will tell you a bit like vegans sozzzz
Liv's Riv stop itShe’s going to be THAT kind of boy mum I feel sorry for any future partner that boy has…they’ll never be good enough for Liv’s Riv
You don’t see PP reflected like that on SM Liv cos most parents are too busy actually taking care of the child and themselves when they get chance. Also if baby is fast asleep at 03:43 why is she still up making toast and brushing the floor ? Why does she need to be in her underwear for this video ? It’s bullshit and it’s SO annoying.The “this is post partum” reel is utterly ridiculous. Can’t put her baby down apparently but can video herself gazing into the camera, stoating about in her bra & knickers holding him with one arm while trying to make a snack with the other arm? Give me a break The amount of times I’ve been hungry or needed the loo but believe it or not I’ve just waited until my kids were seen to. Caressing that bread while the poor baby is balanced on her chest - either put him down or just wait to eat, groundbreaking as that may seem. And FYI Liv, for some women post partum looks like being completely immobilised because of a traumatic birth injury, still stuck in a hospital bed for weeks and in some tragic cases there is no baby to bring home at the end of it. So pipe down with your self indulgent moaning and join the rest of us in the real world!
Exactly and if you were that tired/hungry, surely you wouldn’t want to be wasting time setting up a camera and having do multiple takes for a stupid reel .The “this is post partum” reel is utterly ridiculous. Can’t put her baby down apparently but can video herself gazing into the camera, stoating about in her bra & knickers holding him with one arm while trying to make a snack with the other arm? Give me a break The amount of times I’ve been hungry or needed the loo but believe it or not I’ve just waited until my kids were seen to. Caressing that bread while the poor baby is balanced on her chest - either put him down or just wait to eat, groundbreaking as that may seem. And FYI Liv, for some women post partum looks like being completely immobilised because of a traumatic birth injury, still stuck in a hospital bed for weeks and in some tragic cases there is no baby to bring home at the end of it. So pipe down with your self indulgent moaning and join the rest of us in the real world!
All for the gramOh here she goes with part 2. Put him down for 2mins while you brush your teeth, I’m pretty sure it’s probably took longer to set up the camera etc. she’s obviously showered and washed her hair without holding him!