I wondered if Lauren had a forum on here, she has been bugging me for a while.
Like others have said, she wastes all her energy making cakes so she's I'll for the rest of the week. I decorate cakes and it really does take a lot of energy, I don't know how she does it to be honest.
I also suffer from chronic illness (Crohn's disease) and my fatigue can be so debilitating. I'll probably get hate for this but I can't help but feel a bit jealous of her sometimes that she does get to chill out and watch Netflix when she's feeling bad. I have no choice but to drag myself to work so I can keep a roof over my head. Even though I know she is raising awareness of chronic illness which is good, it can also be frustrating for others who perhaps don't have the luxury to chill out when they want when they are suffering from fatigue and severe pain.