Where is your local charity shop so we can all feel the qualityLook what was in my local charity shop €5
Look what was in my local charity shop €5
Plenty of fabulous salons in Tullamore. Small local businesses that could do with support.. but she drives well outta town - we shouldn’t expect anything else really!! She supports nothing in Tullamore unless it’s food!!Where is your local charity shop so we can all feel the quality
She’d drive to limerick rather than pay or support local, or maybe that’s not an option in tullamore.
She supports nothing in Tullamore unless it’s free.Plenty of fabulous salons in Tullamore. Small local businesses that could do with support.. but she drives well outta town - we shouldn’t expect anything else really!! She supports nothing in Tullamore unless it’s food!!
Orders going to China as we speak...Sure why don't we rename the 'bag' for her....save her a wee bit of time so she can catch up on her prayers
How bout
Hag bag
Blow in the bag
More money than fckn sense bag
Le Mutton sac
Saying the shirts should be 80 so the sheep think they are getting a bargain at 60More of the conveniently timed ‘ messages’ today
It's actually fascinating in itself how she gets the sheep in a frenzy, panting with their credit cards, for her tat.Saying the shirts should be 80 so the sheep think they are getting a bargain at 60
Look at the money she's raking in. I'd say marketing companies are wondering how she reels them in - especially as she blatantly wears designer gear despite pretending she loves her China tat.It's actually fascinating in itself how she gets the sheep in a frenzy, panting with their credit cards, for her tat.
Someone should do a dissertation sometime on these so-called influencers and how they reel in their .
Didn’t she get an upgrade on the last cruise after relentless tagging!!Really Fleeceya…. “Utube”!!!!!! Is it not YouTube??!!?? Perfectionist my arse!
And of course tagging the cruise company
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Good Pals = she pretends to be my friend while taking my moneyThis one cracks me up!!
She books a cruise with this Caroline one & has before & they are now good pals
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