Lisa Colhoun one small step

If she's dating then good for her! However, it seems disrespectful to Christopher by still calling him her husband. If she's dating and got a boyfriend. You wouldn't do that on someone in real life if the marriage was so well. So why should you when aomes passes on.
It's the same sorta debate on the Kelsey parker page, just seems both are riding on grief coattails
If she's dating then good for her! However, it seems disrespectful to Christopher by still calling him her husband. If she's dating and got a boyfriend. You wouldn't do that on someone in real life if the marriage was so well. So why should you when aomes passes on.
It's the same sorta debate on the Kelsey parker page, just seems both are riding on grief coattails
I’m not being smart but what should she call him if not her husband?
You've a great memory 🤣🤣
Am only repeating what I heard.
Maybe the PT is a divorced dad of 3!!!!
Your comment is literally on the last page of saying you heard she is dating a divorced dad of 3 and now you’ve heard she is dating a PT from m-felt, “Lucy” I happen to know for a Fact your little made up stories are all lies, I know Lisa and your stories are hilarious! 🤣🤣
From those latest stories I’m guessing she is dating someone. I haven’t watched her in a while. Have I missed anything?
Or @lucy66 what dating rumours have you heard this month? 😂
Is she back to hair extensions? The colour of the lengths doesn’t seem to match the colour at the top of her head when she is straightening it in those stories? She is always showing those hair strengthing products with a discount code but it actually looks like her own hair is really short now.