it's bizarre that lily can never demonstrate compassion about something unless she is directly impacted by it, or she has to find a way to situate herself within it to prove that OF COURSE she understands and cares. the derogatory media coverage of migrants comes around so often and, correct me if i'm wrong, i've never seen her discuss it before now? and when she did, she revolved it around her grandparents, almost as if that's the only way she can be empathetic. or is it the me me me streak in her? the same applies to her groans about pregnant women and mothers missing out on job opportunities, the sudden embrace of her jewish background during the black lives matter movement, her mole crusade, etc etc etc. all of these issues have existed and been pertinent points of conversation for, well, ever! but she picks and chooses when it suits her to speak up, aka when she feels directly victimised. sorry if i haven't put my point across very well, but hopefully you know what i mean. honestly, the mind boggles with her.