She has such a disregard for anybody not deemed the same class as her, they are beneath her and her family… she 100% demonstrated this with her running IG story! She’s also done it numerous times to Anna on their podcast when talking about their childhoods. She’s awful.
She’s demonstrated it a few times. She (and he sister) have been treating their builders like zoo animals because they literally don’t see them as people. The biscuit incident, the bag hanging on a pipe. Every time they use the phrase ‘so clever’ about the builders knowing how to do their jobs. It’s patronising and super condescending… she’s a horrible person! Now this with the covid thing, she clearly doesn’t care if they get sick not to mention the fact they have families to go home to every nights who she could also make sick, there’s no way she’s even considered that someone in this chain could be immunocompromised!