Am I the only one who thinks this is absolutely ridiculous? Every woman I know who gave birth to more than 1 child didn’t have her partner staying over for recovery bc the partner was staying with the other child(ren) at home. My husband stayed with me in the hospital when we had our first baby (in my country it’s standard to stay in the hospital 3 nights after birth and partners can also stay optionally) but if I would give birth again I would stay in the hospital with the new baby and he would be at home with our daughter. Does she really expect someone to watch Grey for multiple days while Rich helps her go to the toilet in the hospital? What?? Aren’t the nurses there for that? Why does she need Rich to help her with EVERYTHING?! She makes my blood boil…
What do you guys think would happen if Rich dumps her? Like seriously, what would she do? I’m actually baffled all of the sisters managed to find husbands and start a family, I really wonder what will happen if one of the marriages doesn’t work out…