
You’d have to lol at the question box. “What do you want to see more of on my insta?”
Well I for one would love to see more Emma mattress ads? Maybe she’ll move a family of Ukrainians into her sparkly clean mansion, and she’ll show herself unboxing their Emma beds.
Or maybe she’ll show us how her self cleaning house works?
It's like the death knell for the insta huns. She's struggling since she realised people don't like to see kids being used as little money makers anymore.
God I know that looks like a great festival, but it’s not exactly on their doorstep. Those kids are small to be packing them up and driving the length of the country to earn a few bob.
I gave up on her after she moved back to Clare. Nothing wrong with Clare I’m from there myself but honest to God she has zero interesting content now kids aside I don’t believe in using your children for content. There’s nothing there that’s new it’s all either an ad or else a repeat.

Me too
Wouldn’t even see her stories or posts now on my timeline as I don’t engage maybe- or have I unfollowed?! and I was an avid watcher pre and during Covid

The house and the decor or lack of really annoy me
The big echo unhomely kitchen
I don’t like her style I suppose
She also had that third child for content. There I said it.
Maybe hopes for a girl
I know I’m awful 💅🏻
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Did she ever address that she doesn't share them anymore? I mean it went from knowing way too much about them to backs of the head. I wasn't really paying heed at the time, so curious. I'd say she's raging really, she was glad to use them when it was making her so much money but i suppose couldn't justify the growing, more vocal criticism of exploiting kids in this way.
Did she ever address that she doesn't share them anymore? I mean it went from knowing way too much about them to backs of the head. I wasn't really paying heed at the time, so curious. I'd say she's raging really, she was glad to use them when it was making her so much money but i suppose couldn't justify the growing, more vocal criticism of exploiting kids in this way.

No there was just a time maybe 1.5-2 yrs ago a load of preachy doctor mum Irish ones started bleating on about privacy and kids and a load of them went sheep mode- Cliona o Connor, house by the trees and life with to name a few
I’d say they are all RAGIN their content and revenue literally dried up over night !
Yeah I'd say so. I'd 100% be an advocate for keeping children private, but like you say, sheep, they only stopped because they were made to look bad. They are probably spitting over the loss of engagement and revenue as you say. Sure what else does her content consist of.
Yeah I'd say so. I'd 100% be an advocate for keeping children private, but like you say, sheep, they only stopped because they were made to look bad. They are probably spitting over the loss of engagement and revenue as you say. Sure what else does her content consist of.

Oh god they absolutely would still be showing the kids, clothes toys food holidays back to school etc for content and sales only they were embarrassed into stopping!
It's really sad when you think about it. Imagine them when they get older and see how much was shared. I mean all of these poor little kids, all of the huns. She made such a thing of the middle little fella being a handful, his funny little ways. Its weird that I remember that, but I'm a total stranger, it's uncomfortable. I'm just a very private person, but I'd be so upset to learn so much of my history was put put there for my parents financial gain.