This is 100% it!
My little boy is just over 22.5lbs at 8 months but the **huge** difference is that he's been consistently on the 98th percentile line since birth (his dad was the same, my poor 5ft 2" mother in law had three 10lb+ babies
)...we also only started weaning 6 weeks ago and he's still just playing with finger foods and having a few mouthfuls of mashed bits too. I'm not comparing because I think I'm mother of the year (like most new mums I'm constantly questioning/doubting myself!) but it's hard not to draw parallels when they're so close in age. Parker just doesn't look like a naturally big baby though does he, my little boy is still in 6-9 and some 9-12 months because he's big in his frame etc not just from overeating if that makes sense...I feel harsh even writing this but I hope someone starts supporting her (e.g. health visitor) with some better advice soon before it goes too far. I just cant fathom seeing packing on the poundage as a milestone either, I found it SO exciting when he started sitting, crawling, rolling etc - didn't even occur to me what weight/clothes size he was at the time