Amber rose 123
Active member
I know the school and nursery in question - Megan was being over dramatic about the whole incident.....let’s be honest it clearly wasn’t that bad if she sent him back a few weeks later?! They have 5 members of staff there and I know this year they only had just over 40 children on their books (I know this because my friends little girl goes and they allThe broomstick incident I feel was wrongly dealt with by staff members! I am a nursery nurse myself and we don't deal with situations like that in that manner. We take the child aside and explain that that isn't acceptable behaviour. If you follow her aswell you will have seen the bruises and bumps that she posted when he came home from nursery and was told that the staff didn't know what had happened to him when out playing in the school playground. Blake had to tell her what had happened (a child at his age dont lie - they can't lie) At that time there should've of been a staff to child ratio (clearly not which is worrying) kids are kids I get that and can energetic and get carried away when playing but as a staff member in any nursery - you are responsible for those young children! keeping them safe and protected! Imagine if he cut his head open baldy and the staff said to her "Oh we don't know what happened he was just playing over there!" As a parent myself i would be giving that nursery grief and to be honest I wouldn't want my child to stay there. It's inexcusable.
Chipped in for a present from this years class). She’s sending him to the same school next year too when there are others around here. Again it was all for the drama, incident happen in schools all the time - difference is we don’t take the time to moan about it online for it to be forgotten a week later