Chatty Member
I never really noticed it until someone on here mentioned it but jeez does that woman love a take out! KFC last night I swear if she just cooked and ate at home they would have that house renovated in no time
Wouldn’t be surprised - house is bogging!Maybe she has mice - rats under the floorboards
I did think that , she’s old enough to be taught basic manners the main one being eat with your mouth closed !!!Calm down kez no one want to see you prancing about in just a T-shirt and ya pants. Oh and teach Ivy some basic manners by eating with her mouth closed.
I watched half of it - she wasted a fair bit of time burping and apologising for having a treatment on her hair - but to be fair it was raw, honest, heartfelt and informative. She could have had a few stats and facts to hand but her own story was powerful. Felt for herAnyone watched her live? I started to but at 45 mins long I just haven’t got the time or patience please someone enlighten me
I remember her getting this chair, I really liked it. She went on about it for ages and then finally got one. I’m sure it would fit in somewhere in the new houseOh look, she bought a chair because someone else had it (thisismothership) so she decided she wanted it and now she doesn’t want it because she’s copying someone else’s ideas now. This woman must spend a fortune on crap.
Omg!!! My jaw dropped when I saw this thread!! I used to work with her once upon a time!!!! I need to read through properly but from what I’ve seen so far I can confirm she always has been an absolute cow.
I’m not exactly sure, but he ALWAYS used to pick her up from workWhat does her hubby do exactly? Is he in a band?