Life Simply Styled

where will she get her clothes from now?
I can’t stop laughing. How can you pay a company to put your TV on the wall and they cover the cables with trunking?

What a tit, unprofessional job. They could relocate the plugs. Or even hide the cables in the cavity.

her latest post makes me howl. how does she cope being so busy while sitting at home doing absolutely nothing? imagine if she had to work full time like most mums, she would have less time talking crap into a phone thats for sure
Wow talk about emotional blackmail on her current stories..”the poor me attitude you can’t talk about running out of money or the food bills going up if you haven’t signed up to my business”.

Just trying to get more vulnerable people to sign up so they can line her pockets.
Signed up 1000 gullible idiots by the looks of things. And that’s the only reason she makes so much money, she gets a cut of their sign up fee and membership. The large sums of money she talks about isn’t just from booking travel, that makes up a tiny amount of it!