Aww Sienna I don't think has additional needs. I just think she needs reigning in. Kayleigh is absolutely knackered. There, I've said it. I have a teenager and a pre schooler. One of each. She has multiples. Yes I work full time and have to be super organised. My husband works full time however he is clueless about what needs doing but if I tell him he'll do it. Men are like kids, not all men but some. Especially over 40 because that's the generation. On the cusp of mums doing what they're told and is expected and then thinking
duck that life. Tbf Kayleigh has got a hell of a lot on her plate and I do feel sorry for her but she should be more organised. I shake my head daily at her. Just organise mate instead of gassing round Asda or kipping at 11am. Im fucked most days. I get up at 5 every
bleeping crappy morning to get myself ready and 2 cups of tea down me before the madness begins. Then I go and do 8hrs graft. Kev is a waste of space. Doesn't drive, can't change a light-waits for the mother in law. Kayleigh knows she's a doormat. Do something mate, you need an overhaul. You strike me as a nice woman and would probably be a great friend. All those thinking rave thread, this is tattle blah blah. Yes I know, I've been around here for years. I just think we need to cut her some slack. She'd be better taking a step back, getting a grip of her kids,
bleeping doing something about her man child and getting organised. It's really not that hard