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I think Niall’s post is full of shock (understandably) and so he probably did have some PR help with it. I felt it was very heartfelt and genuine though.
I used the back of a chair to try and reenact falling unconscious and falling over a balcony and I couldn’t do it. Unless he was already sitting on the edge of the balcony or standing on a table, I struggle to see how he could have fallen unconscious and fallen off the balcony.They don’t know what happened anymore than the rest of us it could be suicide as much as accidental! I believe they used the word COULD !!
He did see him. There is a picture of them together, you can see it on Liams snapchat. Videos that were taken at Nialls concert are on there. Liam has 'Reunited ❤' on the photo.
When people were talking on here about no protection for young people in the industry the one that came to my mind was RobbieIt’s still only 30 something hours since he died. It’s not unacceptable for those he knew to be struggling to process and articulate it
(Thought that Robbie’s post was lovely)
I believe you could be right looking at the latest photos.. before seeing these I thought he was supposed to be high and manic.. in the photos which were taken 30 mins before he died he was not manic or even drunk looking which I was expecting.. I think it could have been sucide..I used the back of a chair to try and reenact falling unconscious and falling over a balcony and I couldn’t do it. Unless he was already sitting on the edge of the balcony or standing on a table, I struggle to see how he could have fallen unconscious and fallen off the balcony.
And that’s my expert opinion folks.
If you’re referring to the pictures posted on Snapchat, they were very likely scheduled and taken days before. Liam was paid to post on Snapchat and probably had to post a certain amount of photos a day, which would’ve been handled by management. His girlfriend wasn’t even in Argentina when he died, yet there were photos of them posted on Snapchat just an hour before. I would not use those photos as being indicative of how he was the day he died.I believe you could be right looking at the latest photos.. before seeing these I thought he was supposed to be high and manic.. in the photos which were taken 30 mins before he died he was not manic or even drunk looking which I was expecting.. I think it could have been sucide..
I wonder if people are being a bit harsh on his girlfriend. I saw the TikTok of her leaving Argentina for back home- from the video I took that the plan was 5 days, it had been 2 weeks and she was fed up and wanted to go home.
If he had been drinking/using I can imagine it being a toxic atmosphere. Especially if she was making it clear she wanted to leave and he wanted to stay in the drug/alcohol hole he was in.
I don’t see it as her “leaving him behind”. I see it as she probably made it well known she wanted out of that environment and he didn’t, so she protected herself and went without him.
Given some of the things we’ve heard from Maya, I can imagine Liam was quite difficult to be around and so I don’t blame her for getting out of there and going home.
Magazines have mentioned she was dating someone weeks back but tbh I think it's all PR for comebacks etc.
The PR will want to keep there name out there in preparation.
Mind you sadly this is the sad publicity you dont want. Poor Cheryl and their little boy the stuff of nightmares.
I've not really followed 1D at all over the years so I may be way off here too, but I get the sense that unless the parents of 'the boys' were particularly close-knit with them, they lost the control and influence they should have had as their guardians when the group started to take off. Once Simon Cowell becomes the most important adult in your child's life, I don't think you can ever recover a relationship where there going to listen to you first and foremost. It seems like Harry's family were able to keep him fairly grounded. It looks to me like Liam's weren't. Once a minor is touring the world, earning more than the parents will in a lifetime and having experiences the parents can't imagine, I think it's very easy to see how the healthy balance of the relationship can be lost. I'm sure Liam's family will have tried to help over the years, but he didn't want it/want ready for it, and maybe just didn't consider their views or concerns to be of interest or importance.Having grown up around addicts, I can safely say that there’s only so much you can do. You can’t tie them down and force them to do anything. I have empathy for anyone going through addiction and mental illness, but you can’t blame their family for not doing enough. I’m sure they tried and tried
The pictures some girl took of him in the hotel lobby don't really prove anything, you can be on drugs and sort of coherent and seem normal one minute then absolutely out of it the next. I actually cringe at my younger self and the states I'd get into.If you’re referring to the pictures posted on Snapchat, they were very likely scheduled and taken days before. Liam was paid to post on Snapchat and probably had to post a certain amount of photos a day, which would’ve been handled by management. His girlfriend wasn’t even in Argentina when he died, yet there were photos of them posted on Snapchat just an hour before. I would not use those photos as being indicative of how he was the day he died.
I would instead pay attention to the description given by the hotel workers, who did describe him as being off his head and manic. The balcony only looks to be about waist height, very easy to topple over if you’re in that state.
I'm in my 30s and I obviously had friends when I was late teens, early 20s who I was immensely close with, did everything together and have so many memories with. Some of them, I haven't really spoken to in years. The odd message here, facebook comment there. God forbid if anything happened to them, I'd be devastated, and sad for their children and families, but would my day-to-day life be impacted by the loss? Probably not. I feel like that's how it is for the 1D boys. Niall and Harry's posts talking about his energy and passion, the time spent together in the band, public condolences to his family... It's indicative of "we made some great memories in the past but we were no longer close" which is completely understandable. In my eyes, they had no choice but to say something and they have. Zayn and Louis' are far more raw and personal.
I would wonder whether they have all actually been in contact with eachother. I would like to think so but the 1D post could have easily been put together for them and they've each okayed it separately.
Why did none of the lads mention Cheryl in their statements? I know they weren’t together but surely as the mother of his child she deserved a mention alongside him and his family..