She is absolutely disgusting to post these things so publicly.
She has barely any time with her son so for her to say she misses spontaneous weekends is just bizarre. I do not know one single person who is out/away as much as her, and that’s on top of the fact that she can spend her weekdays at the gym, lunches and shopping. A luxury most people cannot afford, time wise or financially.
I think she wanted to have a baby to be like others, to tick it off, maybe because Guncle did and also it opened up the whole influencing things to appeal to other mothers…Why she tried to have a second is beyond me. She would not cope. She only likes them as babies when you can transport them to all your appointments, lunches etc and they sleep and feed.
She lost interest the minute her son started to have his own interests and didn’t want to sit in a pram while she shopped or had her nails done.