crap Bag thanks
Chatty Member
Carry on…
Same different day@NoseyParker24
Podcast recap
- They dropped “little man” off at his first day at school
- Lisa is so glad she got to be a part of it but she did wait in the car because “Kiki” was asleep (she woke Proz up at 5am that day)
- Really brought it back for Lisa watching just Proz and Kiaro walking in reminded her of her and Harley (doesn’t want to be negative though)
- Kyle doesn’t even know what day he started school as she doesn’t keep him in the loop she just gets on with her life
- She’s “cool” with doing it on her own, getting to experience all these milestones
- Kiaro had a task to do for school over the holidays it was a book all about family/summer/get to know me kind of thing. She had a meeting with the headteacher (of course the headteacher said she understood) but she asked if it was best to include his dad and his family in the book with their pictures
- She stuck pictures in there with his grandparents “on his dads side” as well as days out with his dad because that’s what her and the headteacher felt was best with the current situation
- She doesn’t encourage him to speak about his dad
- Lisa compares their situation to someone having a dad but then the dad dying saying how you’d still involve the dad in the book then so how is this differnt
- Harley’s coming on the pod but not right now as he’s waiting for his son to be born
- Mentioned his daughter who he had at 17 and Lisa was proud because he was “more of a man than someone else at this age”
- Mentions house how it “may as well be rented” Lisa says at least Proz gets a car she didn’t (Proz quickly jumps in to say how it’s for the kids not her) Lisa inserts pic of her with Harley on a scooter going to school
- Nigel got off financially very lightly (Lisa didn’t get maintenance until Harley was 3) they got a little terraced house and some maintenance
- Nigel met Harley at 9 months out and then they go on to mock what he was wearing on the day (Proz mocking someone’s fashion)
- Nigel’s wife gave him and ultimatum her and the twins or Harley (goes on to say how he’s a weak man) blames his wife for causing Harley mental health problems
- Proz inspires so many women on Instagram who are in abusive relationships to leave (she gives them strength)
- Lisa thinks Proz would have another child if she met the right person because she’s “such a mum she’s like Mother Earth”
- Baby girl is such a happy content baby
- Lisa brings up if your child is in hospital and they’re asking about health on dads side but you can’t ask because you’re not allowed contact
- Court is always one sided (she has loads of women messaging her the same thing)
- We don’t want to miss next weeks episode so tune in
@crap Bag thanks thank you sweetie
None of us Cba anymore
This is exactly what it is she thinks it’s a flex she slept with a well known footballer. The way she smiles when she talks about him it’s fuckin insulting to actual abuse victims.Of course she's included his absent father the footballer in his schooling, all about the attention lauryn never mind your poor kid being constantly reminded he's been abandoned. I honestly can't with her.
0 starsRate the podcast 1*
Exactly, the whole things bullshit, not every kid has grandparents, they don’t just cut out and stick in some randoms on the internet… which is essentially what they did lets be honestShe will have went into that school meeting like Kairo was some sort of celebrity with all her demands. Why was the family book an issue? If the kid was in a happy, stable, loving home, he wouldn’t have thought anything about drawing his mum, sister, gran, aunts etc. Lauryns messing his head up and making it a big deal.
Lauryn is never going to get over the fact Kyle doesn’t want her. It’ll never end
Of course she's included his absent father the footballer in his schooling, all about the attention lauryn never mind your poor kid being constantly reminded he's been abandoned. I honestly can't with her.
I don't keep him in the loop
Kyyy not interested loz or he'd be in the loop lauryn dear god. He's done first day of school x3 I bet Annie didn't make such a deal when her 3 wanted walker boys started school. She's so desperate and cringe.