She’s like mutton dressed as lamb. She looks really bad.
Also I would die if I had them legs. Proper shapeless stumpy things, she must be devastated.
Wear a shawl, you decrepit old cunt.
Oh she definitely deserves so much more than that bignosed fuck but I can see why she stays for the moment, if indeed they are back together she might be co parenting not sure he moved back in, personally i wouldnt have him near me but thats her choice, she definitely a queen in my eyes putting up with that panface fuck I would have had her dragged down the street by now don't know how she has done it and after that bloody nan as well weighing in my wee grannie would have had me murdered if I even looked at a married nevermind trying to make excuses shocking tramps family they areI’m not Lauren
I said I was new here - I’ve never really followed this thread before, it moves too fast for me.
This is a very good point
I was just shocked to come on the thread and find people being quite pro Kyle, and wishing him and Annie back together that’s all. Kyle is a fool, and clearly has no respect for Annie. Annie could do better surely? Kyle deserves to be alone and have no woman touch him with a barge pole ever again!
I think we could be some of the funniest people alive I was reading some of the 104 thread titles before and now my face hurts