What a tit looking party. Massive venue, DJ etc but hardly anyone there. Mostly girls/women prancing about, my idea of hell.
She will never ever change. She is where exactly she wants to be. Looking pouty, young & kittenish. In her mind this is where she will remain - this unachievable, unrealistic look. She feels she has returned to this, where she left off prior to the 'ha ha pregacies.' Just like the Jake memorial reels where she looked slim, pretty, brown & very young. Didn't even he say she was the biggest catfish going?
No one calls her out except Tattle & DM mssgs. It's like that old story of the Emporah's Clothes (sorry if spelling wrong) Where his tailor persuades him that he is dressed in the finest most beautiful suit. When in fact he's naked. He walks around naked & no one dared to tell him to his face. People laughed behind his back & mocked him.