Lauren Brazee

Absolutely 💯!!
She's gross.
It's obvious by the video she's extremely mentally ill.
All she does is complain about everything, stuff her face and complain some more.
I have never in my life known a mother who was as obsessed as her with facts, burps and bowel movements as she is. Wtf is up with that?
I almost feel sorry for John. I feel like she's very dominating and mean to him. That could be why he gained his weight back. 🤔
The girl child is obese too. Life won't be easy for her. I suppose Lauren will teach her how to dance to that disgusting "song" so that she can feel better about her obesity.
Like mother like daughter.
Lauren Brazee you should be ashamed of yourself. On every level.
Another gross TikTok posted on her Instagram.

Picking up serious Priscilla Maass vibes here.

Also, the lyrics are just nasty. It's one thing to carry on like you have no self respect and are desperate for attention when you're childless and in the throes of younger hormone levels with a biological clock ticking in your ear, but it's inexcusable in older mothers, don't care what anyone says. She just had her second baby and she's gyrating to:

Leaving aside the fact that's a visual that literally nobody wanted a morbidly obese woman to paint in their head...I don't know what the deal is with these ladies. If you're fat and you don't care, stop talking about it. Putting yourself out there as an online personality means you'll receive criticism. You shouldn't do it if you can't bear not having smoke constantly blown up your ass.

And Lauren, personally I don't care how fat you are. The last two TikToks of yours I've seen have been utterly revolting, however. Have some self respect and quit acting like gutter trash just because it's fashionable in 2021. At your age you are still young, but the wisdom that comes with motherhood should have told you not to lip sync to a song about busting stripper moves and receiving oral sex. Have some dignity. Seriously, study that word. Decide whether or not you have it, whether you think you deserve it, and if so start acting like it.

(And before you even go there, having dignity is not posting videos talking about how you have self confidence and how anybody who criticizes you is a "hater".)

Oh God....that is beyond CRINGE...... 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂
I also think she is giving OFF the pigcilla vibe & look what she posted on her Instagram …
Will she be busting some moves with the strippers ???


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I also think she is giving OFF the pigcilla vibe & look what she posted on her Instagram …
Will she be busting some moves with the strippers ???
Percillerpotamus is her idol.
I've said over and over that Lauren wants Percillerpotamus's life.
It's bizarre but it explains Lauren's dissatisfaction with her own life and all that complaining she does.
Yes Lauren will be right in the middle of the strippers, the dominatrix and any other vileness that shows up there.
After watching that video above, I'm convinced she's as trashy as the Massives.
Percillerpotamus is her idol.
I've said over and over that Lauren wants Percillerpotamus's life.
It's bizarre but it explains Lauren's dissatisfaction with her own life and all that complaining she does.
Yes Lauren will be right in the middle of the strippers, the dominatrix and any other vileness that shows up there.
After watching that video above, I'm convinced she's as trashy as the Massives.

I absolutely agree …she’s wants everything the maassives have & more
She figures if they could live the high life from vlogs, so can she...but no chance...Lauren doesn't exploit the kid as much as her idols exploit Sweet if Lauren threw a few meltdowns and donut fests in the mix...then she might hit the big time. 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 🍩🍩🍩🍩

Bring it on .... Lauren on a keto donut diet while feeding the family Starbucks Drive thru daily's.....😃
I'm sorry that I won't be able to post her cringey TikTok/Instagram videos any more because I've unfollowed her. I'm not even sure why I followed her in the first place but seeing her stupid posts every day was too irritating to continue.

I was amazed to see she has managed to accrue about 50k followers on Instagram--how??

For comparison, the Fathering Autism Instagram has about 150k. Their content, questionable as it may be, is LEAPS and BOUNDS above hers, and yet they only have 3 times the followers on Instagram? So at first I thought her followers are just runoff from FA, people who follow all the "cast" of FA--Priscilla, Isaiah, Summer, etc. Even looking at it that way it feels highly unlikely. And although recent posts including the Maasses seem to boost her likes 300%, older posts including them seem to indicate none of her followers particularly cared.

Isaiah also has about the same number of Insta followers as Lauren--but any time he posts a non-generic post he gets three times the likes and four times the comments. Summer has about 88k followers, but she also gets multiple times more likes and comments. Interestingly, Priscilla, who has close to the same number of followers as FA at 129k followers, generally gets around Lauren's numbers for likes and comments. When she includes Abbie she can get from 4k-8k, but she's not maintaining anything over 2k for her own posts. (Again for reference, Summer can get 15k likes for a pic of just her.) Priscilla's LimeLife pushing posts usually get a dismal 1k likes and that is it--they're her least liked posts by a wide margin.

I could go on and on but I guess what I'm trying to say is that I think Lauren has bought her Instagram followers. Instagram is different than YouTube in particular in that you can follow people on YouTube and rarely ever see their videos (because you don't have notifications on). On Instagram it's based on some algorithm, so you can see A LOT of a person you follow whether you have ever requested it or even shown any interest at all. Whereas on YouTube I follow a ton of people who I never watch, on Instagram it's extremely difficult for me to follow people I don't really enjoy seeing posts from. In other words, I find bloated YouTube numbers easier to believe than in Insta.

...Can't believe how much of my morning I've wasted on this lady. 🤦‍♀️
Update: Well Lauren Brazee is copying every other mom vlogger and using her newborn son and new mom status for content. Today's vlog what I eat in a day while breast feeding. Honestly I despair of this family after hoping that they had seen the light. Shamelessly using your kids for views on YouTube. Should we be watching out for John making a newborn vlog next on noskinnygenes next? 😤😠😒😶😔

But why is what she eats in a day interesting??? We all KNOW she eats. Like WTF???? I don't get the CONSTANTLY being on a diet and NEVER losing weight. I've had weight issues...I lost and I gained and I lost again...there no way in hell you're not going to lose weight if you WATCH WHAT YOUR EATING and DECIDE to pass up the may be slow but it works. Just STOP.... we don't care what you're eating Lauren.
On her recent vlog ... if you can call it that ;) she states she's a helicopter parent saying she was constantly monitoring the monitor while she was away ...Bloody hell if I was her partner i'd take that as a slap in the face .... she constantly talks about how wonderful John is supporting, caring
and brilliant as a hands on dad , yet doesn't leave him to it for less than 24 hours without scrutinising his care of his child.
I find that can of control very scary
On her recent vlog ... if you can call it that ;) she states she's a helicopter parent saying she was constantly monitoring the monitor while she was away ...Bloody hell if I was her partner i'd take that as a slap in the face .... she constantly talks about how wonderful John is supporting, caring
and brilliant as a hands on dad , yet doesn't leave him to it for less than 24 hours without scrutinising his care of his child.
I find that can of control very scary
She's a tyrant.
If John hadn't of stood up for percillerpotamus about her weight gain and lying about it, I would feel sorry for him.
He's severely cucked.
Lauren wouldn't have him any other way. But the fact is, she's lucky af that any male would have anything to do with her at all.
I stopped following her after her snarky remarks about being asked if she was vaccinated. I sure hope she is with the way she was all up in that place to take pictures for Instagram (I watched her YT video). Also this is a while back but she said if Ella didn’t get approved for the scholarship to her school they would have a hard time paying for it... why did her husband quit his real job then??? Makes no sense.
I stopped following her after her snarky remarks about being asked if she was vaccinated. I sure hope she is with the way she was all up in that place to take pictures for Instagram (I watched her YT video). Also this is a while back but she said if Ella didn’t get approved for the scholarship to her school they would have a hard time paying for it... why did her husband quit his real job then??? Makes no sense.

I don't get it either...they were probably banking on hitting it big like the Maass'
I’m so glad I found this. She sucks! Her personality is like nails on a chalkboard. She can’t even handle Ella, but sure let’s have more kids. She’s not a good friend to Amanda at all. She was extremely childish and jealous of any attention Amanda would get.
I’m so glad I found this. She sucks! Her personality is like nails on a chalkboard. She can’t even handle Ella, but sure let’s have more kids. She’s not a good friend to Amanda at all. She was extremely childish and jealous of any attention Amanda would get.

Who's Amanda????
Ha. John is saying he has postpartum depression!! Seriously?
I blame Lauren. She's got to be a big fat witch to live with.
All in her own post partum depression feelings...🤣🤣
I'm sure John was verbally beaten down worse than normal during all that nonsense.
I realize that PPD is a real thing for a lot of new moms. I just don't believe it was real for Lauren and or John.
I think John is so cucked by Lauren that it just makes him despondent.
Calling it PPD is vlog content and clickbait.
These 2 are crazy as hell.
Ha. John is saying he has postpartum depression!! Seriously?
I blame Lauren. She's got to be a big fat witch to live with.
All in her own post partum depression feelings...🤣🤣
I'm sure John was verbally beaten down worse than normal during all that nonsense.
I realize that PPD is a real thing for a lot of new moms. I just don't believe it was real for Lauren and or John.
I think John is so cucked by Lauren that it just makes him despondent.
Calling it PPD is vlog content and clickbait.
These 2 are crazy as hell.
I’m a “boomer” in my late fifties and I have to say the younger generations have no coping skills. I know postpartum and mental health can be a real thing for so many people but I can’t understand why so many today have depression, anxiety, etc. PPD is related to hormonal changes, John is the wrong gender to be able to experience this. Both of them are a mess. People need to toughen up and stop blaming everything on mental health. My generation are heartier people who just handled what had to be done without breaking down constantly. Sorry to rant but just getting tired of people not being able to cope with daily life. They should try throwing full time jobs in the mix, there is not time to sit around and dwell on how you’re feeling. Get a grip people!!
Ha. John is saying he has postpartum depression!! Seriously?
I blame Lauren. She's got to be a big fat witch to live with.
All in her own post partum depression feelings...🤣🤣
I'm sure John was verbally beaten down worse than normal during all that nonsense.
I realize that PPD is a real thing for a lot of new moms. I just don't believe it was real for Lauren and or John.
I think John is so cucked by Lauren that it just makes him despondent.
Calling it PPD is vlog content and clickbait.
These 2 are crazy as hell.

Not for nothing but if you have one kid that is a challenge and you have issues handling that...wht the f would you purposely have another one?? ESPECIALLY knowing there's a possibility that you can have another special needs child....HELL NO...I just don't get these people. Their lives will never be normal with having to care for Ella the rest of their lives....why would you throw another one into the mix? To me it just makes someone a glutton for punishment. Just like Kaitlin and Kaidale...that woman can't function on a daily basis with the kid she has....she doesn't get a moments peace...BUT SHE WANTS ANOTHER ONE....CRAZY....:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::LOL: