Lauren Brazee

If she would just stop complaining and comparing her life to 🐖cillas and learn to be thankful, she wouldn't need those pills.
It amazes me how self absorbed she is. It's like she doesn't see what the mirror sees and photos and videos do not lie.
I have a feeling her channel is finished growing. She grabbed what she could from Fathering Autism.
It's time for her and John to get back to reality and get real jobs. They have nothing else for content except what we've seen already.
Agreed. It appears she is only getting 3-5 thousand views on her videos. On their latest live video they apparently were getting a lot of negativity and you can tell they were getting frustrated. He mentioned how he hated his job environment which is why he quit. Well in the adult world you would secure another job before quitting the one you have. He is the husband and father of that household. I would have been pissed if I was Lauren but she just loves that he’s home with her. I will never understand the lack of motivation and responsibility.
Her "tiny house tour" was cringe.
She really needs to stop complaining and comparing herself and her life to the Massives.
Every vlog she copies them. She has zero original thoughts or ideas.
People who support her with patreon are just as foolish as those who support her hero's in Jacksonville.
Of course I know feeding herself and John is terribly expensive. Providing that child with a minimum of 8 snacks of sugary food plus 3 regular meals per day has got to be a drain on their money as well.
But there's things called jobs and they both should stop being lazy and get one.
She's admitted numerous times that her mental health is fragile and it's obvious in her content.
She will never BE her hero's or have the things they have.
She just looks foolish trying.
Her vlogs continue to suck.
Complaining and moaning about being tired all the time.
She does not have a job!
Nobody does in that house!
Where's the attitude of gratitude?
She's young. She barely moves her body. How is she so tired?
She mostly sits on her huge ass all day and solicits donations from people who are stupid enough to support their lazy asses.
They are all 3 gaining weight at a rapid pace.
That poor kid.
This girl has issues! She has admitted to being obsessive and I'm thinking she needs more than physical help to bring her weight under control. She took dozens (her words) of pregnancy tests that all said she is not pregnant, and decided to see her Dr so that she could prove to herself that she is pregnant. She is NOT. Now she is trying to convince herself to chill - not gonna happen. She's a trainwreck and really needs therapy and/or meds.
Today's vlog was a missed opportunity to actually be about something. Kudos to her for realizing the need to listen and educate herself on the current state of the world. I like her on some level, but she always seems to find a way to screw that up. Ella was going to town "scripting" and she took 2 seconds to identify that behavior. If she had half a brain she would have expanded that moment and used it for the benefit of those who think her vlogs are because she's an autism mom. As it is, her vlogs are a mixed up mess of cleaning, makeup, clothing, decorating, spoiling the child, keto, weight loss, embracing obesity, anxiety, pregnancy, autism, etc, etc
She complains way too much for me.
Seems very dissatisfied with her life.
Fake smiles are obvious.
She and John need real jobs and Ella needs structured daycare where she is not allowed to eat 11+ times per day.
That grandmother needs to stop with giving Ella sugary snacks.
Add those to her already eating 11 times a day!!!
Diabetes and Morbid Obesity for all!!
Can anyone describe Florida’s public school system? I don’t understand why they are opting Ella out of public school to be in a small center based ABA program. What academics do they do at the ABA program? Wouldn’t a child like Ella get a lot more out of being around typical students than 1 or 2 other kids at the center all day.
The majority of Florida has some of the worst public schools, very run down, bathrooms don't work etc. As far as special needs go, the admin is awful and you have to practically beg for supportive services.

Many parents choose private or homeschool due to the public school issues. SN private schools miss the mark too - many parents who choose a full time private school end up feeling that they purchased the concept of school, but their children end up having major gaps in academics.

I think Lauren and John want to Ellas school to like her old "school," another ABA center but this one also seems to add basic elementary lessons too. Personally I don't feel this is a long term solution for Ella but like many special needs families, we all take it one year at a time.

While Lauren started out "inspired" by FA, she sadly doesn't see how mean they are to her, and continues to believe they are her friends.

In early vlogs they would trash her constantly, A always tried to monitor her videos in some weird way - I remember he would comment on the fan, etc. I think A&P are threatened by Lauren (youth and quick rise in subscribers) and tried to push and control her, messing with her mental state, which caused issues with the content. Her true friend is that ninjaKeto friend, the red head...she seems to constantly want to see her friend succeed and doesn't seem to criticize her.

A even tried to convince the John and Lauren to move to Jacksonville 🙄 he's such a tool.
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Her videos continue to be dominated with fake happiness with bitterness and discontent peppered in at every opportunity. She's never satisfied. Or thankful it seems.
John doesn't seem to have much of a personality but maybe it will come out in his vlogs if he has one.
I kinda feel sorry for him. Lauren is VERY dominating and I can see her being mean to John when the camera is off. I've seen her be a witch to him ON the vlogs several times.
Maybe he will get skinny, find his personality and get the hell out of that situation.
We shall see.
Her videos continue to be dominated with fake happiness with bitterness and discontent peppered in at every opportunity. She's never satisfied. Or thankful it seems.
John doesn't seem to have much of a personality but maybe it will come out in his vlogs if he has one.
I kinda feel sorry for him. Lauren is VERY dominating and I can see her being mean to John when the camera is off. I've seen her be a witch to him ON the vlogs several times.
Maybe he will get skinny, find his personality and get the hell out of that situation.
We shall see.
Well, I guess he's not gonna get out of that situation now that she is pregnant! I thought that they could try to be "that" couple doing the whole weight loss journey together. Now Lauren has the best excuse in the world to not worry about her weight! I sincerely hope this pregnancy goes well.
Well, I guess he's not gonna get out of that situation now that she is pregnant! I thought that they could try to be "that" couple doing the whole weight loss journey together. Now Lauren has the best excuse in the world to not worry about her weight! I sincerely hope this pregnancy goes well.
Oh daym!!!
I need to catch up!!
She was supposed to be healthy and lose weight before getting pregnant. The LAST f'ing thing they need is another kid.
This was done for vlogs and views period.
This will end in disaster. John, wise up ffs! We can all see how unhappy you are. You are tolerating Lauren because of Ella.
It irritates me how Lauren parades Ella around like she is a princess. Get the damn bows out of her god damn hair! It looks stupid. Sorry, but she is not a cute kid by any means. She is a demanding spoiled brat with autism. She has her parents wrapped around her finger. She is going to end up obese and miserable because of all of the attention the baby will get. Ugh...what a tit show