Lauren Brazee

What?! You exercised and lost some weight?! STOP THE PRESSES, this is revolutionary. *allllllll the eyerolls*

I wonder if the 12 week thing was Lauren-imposed or doctor-imposed...I'm wondering (perhaps wrongly?) if the mental health specialist correctly identified her insanity in NEVER sticking to anything and made her slow way the heck down before jumping into surgery?
Lauren if you're reading this...
Get a grip.
Babies cut teeth. It's natural.
Stop complaining about every. Single. Thing in your life.
You got diagnosed by a professional and given medication.
You bitched and complained for months that you needed to do this. Then you take yourself off the meds before you even gave it a chance to work.
How stupid.
Babies don't generally walk until 12 months. But if you would consult your pediatrician rather than reading memes on Instagram or might learn the truth based on facts, researched by actual professionals.
Your constant ranting about red flags is mind blowing.
Speaking of red flags, it would be a great idea to feed your obviously overweight kids healthier foods. You know like the ones you supposedly eat now. Childhood diabetes is a thing.
Just so its clear....No shade on the kids. It's just the facts.
If you manage to pass the psychiatric test for weight loss surgery and I don't understand how you could, the chances of you being successful are slim. Your BFF failed and you and John defended her when people called her out.
People will call you out too.
Self awareness is a thing.
Get some and do better.
Lauren if you're reading this...
Get a grip.
Babies cut teeth. It's natural.
Stop complaining about every. Single. Thing in your life.
You got diagnosed by a professional and given medication.
You bitched and complained for months that you needed to do this. Then you take yourself off the meds before you even gave it a chance to work.
How stupid.
Babies don't generally walk until 12 months. But if you would consult your pediatrician rather than reading memes on Instagram or might learn the truth based on facts, researched by actual professionals.
Your constant ranting about red flags is mind blowing.
Speaking of red flags, it would be a great idea to feed your obviously overweight kids healthier foods. You know like the ones you supposedly eat now. Childhood diabetes is a thing.
Just so its clear....No shade on the kids. It's just the facts.
If you manage to pass the psychiatric test for weight loss surgery and I don't understand how you could, the chances of you being successful are slim. Your BFF failed and you and John defended her when people called her out.
People will call you out too.
Self awareness is a thing.
Get some and do better.
She lives her whole life comparing herself, her home, her kids, to other "influencers" - that is so bleeping unhealthy. She's even re-doing her house taking down all the "word" signs because that's now a trend - to HATE the word signs. Comparing her kid to other kids online. Her mental health (and many other people's mental health) would improve if she would step away from social media, even a little. She does a TON of Instagram stories every day. People don't need to know every time the baby naps. Don't need to know what you ate for lunch or that you went to Starbucks...again. Talk to your in-real-life friends. I think people that over share on social media are missing connections with humans but don't want to do actual human interaction - which again, is unhealthy. Connect with real life people - that you actually know. Find a walking partner. Find a Mommy and Me class. Find actual people to share your life with. It's much healthier than putting every single F'ing thought on the internet and counting likes and comments. Also unhealthy - John not having a job. He needs to be working - Lauren doesn't need him as an assistant. Ella is in school every day and if she can't handle her baby, that's a HER problem. It has to be emasculating not having a paycheck. He can't/won't even vlog anymore. Once every 3 months or so he does one about his poor mental health and how he is going to get back into it. Go back to work - men are wired to be providers - not saying that it's only a man's job, but laying around waiting for orders from Lauren has to be awful.
She lives her whole life comparing herself, her home, her kids, to other "influencers" - that is so bleeping unhealthy. She's even re-doing her house taking down all the "word" signs because that's now a trend - to HATE the word signs. Comparing her kid to other kids online. Her mental health (and many other people's mental health) would improve if she would step away from social media, even a little. She does a TON of Instagram stories every day. People don't need to know every time the baby naps. Don't need to know what you ate for lunch or that you went to Starbucks...again. Talk to your in-real-life friends. I think people that over share on social media are missing connections with humans but don't want to do actual human interaction - which again, is unhealthy. Connect with real life people - that you actually know. Find a walking partner. Find a Mommy and Me class. Find actual people to share your life with. It's much healthier than putting every single F'ing thought on the internet and counting likes and comments. Also unhealthy - John not having a job. He needs to be working - Lauren doesn't need him as an assistant. Ella is in school every day and if she can't handle her baby, that's a HER problem. It has to be emasculating not having a paycheck. He can't/won't even vlog anymore. Once every 3 months or so he does one about his poor mental health and how he is going to get back into it. Go back to work - men are wired to be providers - not saying that it's only a man's job, but laying around waiting for orders from Lauren has to be awful.

AMEN!!! Putting your entire fkn life online to make a living is a lazy persons way of making a quick buck,,,eventually that cash flow will come to an end...she wants everything in an INSTANT..just like her weight loss surgery now...I agree John needs to fkn man up and get a damn JOB...he's got two kids to feed...STOP RELYING ON THE PUBLIC TO SUPPORT YOUR FAMILY.... they are so screwed up in the head...all she does is fkn whine and eat...they couldn't handle the first kid they had and they bring another into the mix...neither of them are mentally stable.....GO GET A JOB JOHN AND CRAWL OUT FROM UNDER YOU WIFES HUGE ASS.
In today's vlog she's telling more lies.
Ella grew 5 inches and "didn't gain any weight". Lol
Ella is also diagnosed with ADHD just like mommy. Lol. Lauren has no problem giving those amphetamine pharmaceuticals to a 9 year old but she herself refuses to take them. Lol.
Oh and it dawned on her that moving her huge ass might be helpful in loosing weight. Lol.
There is absolutely no way on Earth that child didn't gain weight. And watch out if she goes on meds, that will also exacerbate the poundage, at least in my experience. I will say, I am minimally edified that Lauren seems to have learned SOMETHING from the cautionary tale of Priscilla...
Poor John. Back again with another "starting over" video. I get it. Backslides happen, but he just seemed so down - I don't know why he continues to vlog - it's her thing, not his. Go back to work at a fulfilling job so you can help support your family. Lauren has scaled WAY back on vlogs but can't stay away from Instagram stories and reels. It's manic really. And I know reels and stories don't pay a thing. I see she's trying to get sponsorships - the new "hands free shoes" she keeps talking about. I don't know how they're paying their bills, honestly. Down 50% in subscribers in the last 30 days and look at her monthly/yearly projections. What few sponsored videos she does can't pay much. I don't get it.
John really needs some professional help.
I can't help but feel like Lauren demasculates him every chance she gets.
She's that type of female.
She definitely wears the pants.
She's the reason he's always so depressed.
They both need jobs and professional help but they refuse both.
I dont see John surviving much longer if he doesn't make some changes.
He has the worst kind of depression there is and he's admitted to being suicidal.
Yet nobody in that crowd of weirdos does anything to see that he gets help.
John really needs some professional help.
I can't help but feel like Lauren demasculates him every chance she gets.
She's that type of female.
She definitely wears the pants.
She's the reason he's always so depressed.
They both need jobs and professional help but they refuse both.
I dont see John surviving much longer if he doesn't make some changes.
He has the worst kind of depression there is and he's admitted to being suicidal.
Yet nobody in that crowd of weirdos does anything to see that he gets help.

It's so, so sad. She makes me angry - just GIVE UP on the channel, honestly - she has no content except the random food-related crap she occasionally posts. It's clearly making John's life miserable, probably hers too, if she were honest. (I am glad they respect Ella's preferences to be filmed, but GEESH.)
When exactly is a mom not "postpartum"
She's 11 months "postpartum" now ffs.
Does it ever end with her? Does anything?
After she went into detail about how much that 11 month old "toddler" eats, he will be looking like the rest of the family soon.
Not picking on the kid just stating a fact.
She's disturbing and disgusting all rolled into one.
I have never seen another parent so obsessed with the 'pediatric guidelines',, if the 'pediatric guidelines' say you have to have your kid off a bottle at 12 months and Everett takes until 14 months, there's going to be NO END to her constant dithering and freaking out. Good grief, what a way to live.
Her fan base is from the Hambeasts. Low IQ followers who have zero clue about much and especially zero clue about babies. God help those babies.
She's exactly like the hambeast Percillerpotamus. She knows this about her followers and carries on her BS just for the cash.
Disgusting lard ass trash.
I have never seen another parent so obsessed with the 'pediatric guidelines',, if the 'pediatric guidelines' say you have to have your kid off a bottle at 12 months and Everett takes until 14 months, there's going to be NO END to her constant dithering and freaking out. Good grief, what a way to live.
It’s a wonder how generations after generations of babies have survived without these guidelines. I was born at a time when parents just used a lot of home remedies and common sense.
I have never seen another parent so obsessed with the 'pediatric guidelines',, if the 'pediatric guidelines' say you have to have your kid off a bottle at 12 months and Everett takes until 14 months, there's going to be NO END to her constant dithering and freaking out. Good grief, what a way to live.
She's got "health anxiety" for herself and I think she obsesses over every single thing about the baby. His sleep. His food. I mean, it's not rocket science. She makes things so much harder than they have to be. That child has just started sleeping in his bed for naps - either she or John would sit with the baby on their chest while he naps - and they wonder why he couldn't sleep longer than a little bit at a time. good Lord. But yet, when he started eating real food what did she do? Gave him a giant piece of STEAK to gnaw on so he could "learn how to eat". What in the HELL???
She's got "health anxiety" for herself and I think she obsesses over every single thing about the baby. His sleep. His food. I mean, it's not rocket science. She makes things so much harder than they have to be. That child has just started sleeping in his bed for naps - either she or John would sit with the baby on their chest while he naps - and they wonder why he couldn't sleep longer than a little bit at a time. good Lord. But yet, when he started eating real food what did she do? Gave him a giant piece of STEAK to gnaw on so he could "learn how to eat". What in the HELL???

I have been a parent for almost fourteen years now and I have literally NEVER heard, not once, that a hunk of steak is a good first food for a BABY. I have no words, LOL.
Aww they needed 50G down to buy that tiny house. No doubt their income wasn't nearly enough and the debt to income ratio was probably laughable.
Now she wants land with a "modular" home. 😆 🤣 😂
Florida, where hurricanes are a regular thing, is the last place I'd want to put a glorified trailer on a piece of land.
If she had any sense at all she would secure herself a cushy office job somewhere and vlog part time.
Then maybe they could afford a normal house to continue to grow all 4 of their fat asses in and have room for the Hambeasts to visit. 😆
Aww they needed 50G down to buy that tiny house. No doubt their income wasn't nearly enough and the debt to income ratio was probably laughable.
Now she wants land with a "modular" home. 😆 🤣 😂
Florida, where hurricanes are a regular thing, is the last place I'd want to put a glorified trailer on a piece of land.
If she had any sense at all she would secure herself a cushy office job somewhere and vlog part time.
Then maybe they could afford a normal house to continue to grow all 4 of their fat asses in and have room for the Hambeasts to visit. 😆
How did they think they were going to qualify? When I looked at Social Blade it shows their monthly estimated income as $567.00 a month. She does occasional sponsorships but can’t add up to that much. Since it was her grandmothers house then left to her mom I would think it is paid off. She mentioned she pays the mortgage, might have an equity line on it but the payments probably aren’t that high. Bottom line if her mom wasn’t letting them live there, they would have a hell of a time renting an apartment without a co-signer. Sounds like debt to income ratio is high. John should have never quit his job or found another full time job if he wasn’t happy in the one he had. They are early 30’s and literally live like a retired couple. They need to buckle down and figure out their future which should include creating more income. Maybe she figured once her mom passes away she will get the house anyways. I worked 40 years to be able to retire at age 55 three years ago. You have to work to earn a living and prepare for the future. How did they both become so complacent and unmotivated especially with two kids to raise?
How did they think they were going to qualify? When I looked at Social Blade it shows their monthly estimated income as $567.00 a month. She does occasional sponsorships but can’t add up to that much. Since it was her grandmothers house then left to her mom I would think it is paid off. She mentioned she pays the mortgage, might have an equity line on it but the payments probably aren’t that high. Bottom line if her mom wasn’t letting them live there, they would have a hell of a time renting an apartment without a co-signer. Sounds like debt to income ratio is high. John should have never quit his job or found another full time job if he wasn’t happy in the one he had. They are early 30’s and literally live like a retired couple. They need to buckle down and figure out their future which should include creating more income. Maybe she figured once her mom passes away she will get the house anyways. I worked 40 years to be able to retire at age 55 three years ago. You have to work to earn a living and prepare for the future. How did they both become so complacent and unmotivated especially with two kids to raise?
Her mom is active and healthy and to be honest, could live longer than those two. John worked an administrative job for their local government. There are jobs he could do at from home if Lauren would let him. Even without a house payment they have two car payments, pay for their own insurance, Ella's school, and all the grocery hauls and toys they incessantly buy for Ella.