So aggressive! There's no need for it. It's the aggression makes me think she doesn't really feel that way. You don't need to defend anything! You don't owe anybody any explanations about your life choices so if you are happier single then stay that way! I'm with someone now (in my late 30s) but I was single for a long time before this and I did reach the same point you're at now! I needed to be single at the time and sort my tit out and i was genuinely happy to be single. I went back dating with the attitude if he don't bring me joy and give me peace he ain't the one they've been words to live by so far!
It’s the aggression and constant defensiveness that makes me agree that I don’t think she’s happy alone, which is fair enough, I have plenty of friends who like having the company of a partner. If she is so allegedly happy, I don’t think she’d need to constantly answer questions about her being single or shoving it down everyone’s throats that she can get a date really easily and she’s loved by lads. She could really easily say she doesn’t plan on talking about her romantic life as much and I’d respect that tbh, because that and her honesty/begging is the only selling point she really has right now to me