For some bleeping reason, I started reading these threads. Don’t know why, she literally gives me rage palpitations.
- Laura, do you not find it odd that your weight is increasing parallel to the amount of time you are spending online. The importance of being on “riseeeng starz” and the fact your life is completely focused on an app, really reflected in how you are currently treating yourself. You are obviously anxious (we saw you hiding behind the camera and made Danny do the battles for you) and that really is reflected on your massive and rapid weight gain.
- can I just highlight that your life is an app. An app that will inevitable be forgotten, left in the shadows with MySpace and bebo. Like 6 years ago, Imagine if we all quit our jobs and our work was that bleeping finding Pokémon in the park app that was popular for a few months. Soon we will all move on with our lives; our careers (deadend one’s but whatever), our family, finding self appreciation and happiness. You do have anything else; you do not find joy in anything else. You don’t even focus on your “work” and take time to produce content, however grotesque that content may be. You could be banking money during this very fleeting moment of “popularity” but you’re spunking it on fast food to feed that black hole of emptiness.
(And don’t even bleeping get me started on the house thing. the fact she can stamp her massive bleeping feet and she gets a house, is part of why she believes the world owes her something. You got offered that because you are an irresponsible adult and for your children; once they run away from you, you will have nothing.)