Laura -

I think you’re all right that they bought the land with house plans already approved, I’m sure that rings a bell when she’s talked about not liking the front windows. But they could totally afford to have amended the plans so I don’t understand why they didn’t?! Or even to alter the windows now, as mad as it sounds - they could still afford that too!
For me she’s just trying so hard to be the perfect Stepford wife that she just comes across as a fake and desperate airhead. Every little event or occasion has to be picture perfect - I mean WHO has the time when baking with the kids to decant all the ingredients into pretty little pots first?! There’s never the slightest mess, never a hair out of place . . . but no one can possibly let live like that, which is why it’s so fake! She’d be more appealing if she showed us real life!
I also think the ingredients thing is weird! Surely you just scoop the flour and butter out of the packets into the scales or there’s twice as much mess and washing up! So odd! I remember her saying before she was waiting for her wonderful husband to come home so he could light the fire! Why can’t she do it? I bet he has to do all the ‘man’ jobs and she faffs about doing all the ‘ladies’ jobs and she couldn’t possibly light a fire or put a dustbin out!
I used to love her house and Instagram but now it’s constant gifts and ADs not labelled correctly. It’s like she’s suddenly become obsessed with becoming a big account and sharing those towels/candles and bedding non stop.
Such a shame.
That’s the worst isn’t it. They always change when they become obsessed with getting a big following
How can she seriously not have seen Tic Tacs in the shops for years?! You can seriously tell she doesn’t live in the really world with the unwashed general public 🤣 as these are in every supermarket and petrol station! 🤦🏼‍♀️
Oh no that’s low to do a swipe up for a birthday present.
Her whole life seems to be one big perfectly staged Instagrammable opportunity, so nothing is out of bounds if there’s an #ad involved! It’s SO fake, no one can possibly live the way she claims they do! So sad, I imagine the kids aren’t allowed to leave a toy out or drop a crumb anywhere 😣
Shes doing a giveaway to where she's just stayed we think her stay was gifted too no ad marked
Absolutely think it was free or certainly discounted - why else would a hotel just giveaway a break - she won’t be doing it for nothing - she will have a financial benefit from this. She’s such a grabby narc with the most boring voice- it’s so dull!
Of course ‘everyone’ was asking you to share the bowl details 🙄🙄🙄
HOW has this woman got 150k+ followers on Instagram when all she does is share #ads and fake pretentious family scenarios (not calling it her real life as it can’t possibly be, no one lives like that!) 🤷🏼‍♀️😴