Laura Anderson #7 Will attend the opening of a dishwasher

I don’t have kids so lord knows what I’d do if the bloody things woke up in the middle of the night, but surely filming them at 2am and chatting is not going to make them settle back down. Did she film her daughter and upload it as proof to her bosses that she couldn’t make it into work? 🤣
Exactly what I came on to say. Get the flash off, camera out her face, and stop stimulating her. It's not rocket science ffs
I’m confused… If she was getting up at 4.30 for work, what happens to Bonnie? Who’s coming round at that time in the morning to child mind??? cos I’m damn sure my mum would be telling me to duck right off if I asked her to do that 🤣.
Makes me think she had no intention of going into work today!
Probably leaving Bonnie with her latest step daddy
I am fuming. If you were driving a bus or something ok don’t go in but to just be like “oh I can’t make it”for 3 hours chatting? Every mum in the world has done it on no sleep
I got home from work at 1am this morning - attended an event 180 miles away yesterday, left the house 6am.
Was still in work for 7.30 this morning - Do I feel like a rotten badger? Yes... still bloody here though!
I got home from work at 1am this morning - attended an event 180 miles away yesterday, left the house 6am.
Was still in work for 7.30 this morning - Do I feel like a rotten badger? Yes... still bloody here though!

The reason it irks me so much is that there’ll be people nodding saying “see that’s why you don’t employ mums/single mums”.
Back to who she leaves her with she’s been doing this gig a while now so I assume she must have an early hours nanny -