Kym Marsh


Search for Kym Marsh From The Heart and it should come up, you will need to create a free account to read the whole book. Let me know if any problems

It's a great resource, I've read lots of books for free there.

Yep, I second that. I was recommended it a few months back and have managed to find books I had wanted for ages that were either too dear to buy even second-hand or were now out of print.
Blimey. Not sure I'd plaster my 13 year old over my social media with all that make up and no bra on 😬

What’s even more disturbing is her 13 year old has Instagram and the 1st highlights story is of her and her boyfriend, some of the pictures are quite suggestive and the music lyrics of a sexual nature.

Like mother, like daughter springs to mind 🙈