Obviously this is someone new who has NO clue how lazy Kiley is
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Mr. 400k doesn't even have a bag for his camera
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We know oar' little organ grindr'
monkey never gives credit or thanks or takes advice that he acknowledges. He's actually gotten lots of assistance here, from Tattlers pointing out his header mistakes and misspellings (which he tries as best the idiot can, to correct) to suggestions for content and future video info. It's glaringly apparent in those Daily Dumps. He's remarkably ignorant, dull, dimwitted and has little talent for what he's doing and so needs lots of help but he only takes it when he can deny it.
I always get a kick of how easily I can trigger him with insults or ridiculing him here, where he can't respond, and how quickly he shows up with a sock puppet at X to seethe and whine. It's a guilty pleasure. He's my little puppet pussyassbitch.
I'm still leaning on the idea, expressed elsewhere online, that he's surprisingly avoiding a LOT of the things going on at Disney and the parks, NOLA wedding or laughable kidney stone 'surgery'
aside. Today is opening day of Mickeys Very Merry Christmas Party, long sold out, and most park vloggers and online reviewers are there.
After tonight it's all just over for the Opening Nighters who covet these events.
I mentioned our neighbors are there and, loving all things Disney, they're having a ball. Kylie's going to film later? No Opening Night vlog?
Hmmm..... I still say something up.
Hey Kylie... guess you forgot to hit SEND when buying tickets and to ALL the special events today? It went to your junk folder? We all know Bob Iger sent you a personal invitation to join him at the park tonight, huh?
Well, there's always the inagural voyage of The Treasure on Dec. 21st. ("Don't worry. I'll be on it." "You can bet I'll be on it." ) Time's running out to try something, anything to own the hatters'! Well, look forward to you being on it. Make Zach work his magic! Grab those ankles for him, a blow job or two should do it____but shower shows are old hat, so passé and yesterday's news, and, be honest, what looks you ever had are gone, baby, gone.