Let's be honest, Kyle only got as far as he did as a YouTube personality because at one point he was what a lot of people would consider "classically attractive" and he built up an audience base of young women, hungry older women, and gay men who fantasized about him.
If he looked liked Peter from OA or current Michael Kay his channel never would've gotten to the point it did because for at least OA they have decent production quality, and Michael Kay at one point had the enthusiasm for Disney and did offer decent tips and tricks to touring the parks. As bad as it sounds most people are shallow, and if you aren't good looking you need to offer something else to get people hooked whether it's high production value, good information/tips, enthusiasm for what you are doing, et al.
You can only rely on looks for so long, especially when you make no effort to hone your craft other than buying a more expensive camera where you keep creaming yourself about how good it looks through the view finder, and letting us know you changed the ISO so we can see low light filming slightly better.
His editing is just as crappy as JennTracker and she's been doing this as her "job" for nearly a decade, only upside to Kyle is he's able to tit out his product much faster than Ginn, but to her credit she does have "two small children" now /s.
He doesn't give out accurate or timely information about the parks.
He can't read basic words and his ability to read and pronounce is on the level of Yankee In the South.