So , on today's video he mentions how expensive the cruise is.
It often said here that MiniSquatch knows the price of everything but the value of nothing.
He is impressed with price, with how "expaaansive" something is and, to him, that makes it better. If it costs a lot, THAT makes it better, and shallow vulgarians like Pallo evaluate things and people with that measure.
He's the rube who looks at the prices on a menu and if he isn't paying, he orders the priciest thing on the menu whether he wants it or not. When it's someone else's money and someone else is footing the bill, well, of course, money is no object. On the other hand, if he ever pays for anything, he
witches and moans for hours about it and constantly points out that HE paid for it. It's nauseating and typical of a bottomfeeding social climbing nobody like he is.
He judges things and people by how much they have or what they can do for him. Money is a marker for him for worth. Honor, decency, charity and kindness are foreign to him for he sees no material or monetary benefit to himself in those virtues.
Pallo is what you catch when you drag a $100 bill through a trailer park.
Oh, btw, if that couple o' days cruise on
Virgin, considering the paltry accommodations they had, cost more than $700 / $900 each (considering there are all sorts of discounts to be had), they all got screwed harder than an ugly $10 Alabama streetwalker.