Chatty Member
Top Ten Products and Services That Should Offer Little Kylie a DealOnly way he gets a sponsorship is if the company doesn't do their due diligence with a 30 second google search prior to sending him money. Meanwhile he claims that he turns down so many offers lol. yeah we know better and he's not getting emails and calls to promote something. Imagine the extra work he would have to do to do a 60 or 90 second ad read plus adding extra B-roll to the footage the company provided. That's not even including the editing he'd have to do.
I don't know the Florida rental market but I didn't know Lora had moved for cheaper rent. Wasn't she sharing the last apartment with her friend Ariana? Did they both move?
10: Super Dry (Down There)
9: Black Electrical Tape - For covering those pesky lights on your car's dashboard
8. Weight Watchers
7. Crest White Strips
6. Tide Pods with Bleach
5. Realtor.com
4. Home Depot Hurricane Windows
3. The Saukville Community Theatre
2. Nair Hair Remover
1: Deep Throater Churros