I wasn't able to stomach all of the vids he posted when his mother and dad and sister visited some time back, but from what I did see, the whiny and bitter little Kyle Apple didn't fall far from the whiny and bitter Pallo Family Tree: His 'banker' mother slighted even the gift of a suite at the Contemporary for the night as "nothing special," whined that the fireworks display was "just OK" and "not very long was it?" She was a horse faced ass looking the proverbial gift horse in the mouth and as ungrateful as her mini-man son so often is; Pallo's blathering father wasn't much better, often putting on his clown nose and doing a moment of gibberish, and one stand out event during the stan provided 'VIP tour' was the old man's rudeness on display when the guide tried sweetly to make small talk with him. He would ignore her as though she didn't exist or glare and walk by without answering or saying a word; (btw: I've seen here that supposedly his father isn't well and that's regrettable, but that doesn't excuse his old man's behavior in a simple situation where someone actually was just being kind and nice to him) ; and the sister, AKA Nurse Rottencrotch, was not a lot better, although slightly more tolerable when she said nothing at all.
The Pallo family values were closer to the Manson Family values than the Cleaver family. It was often cringe worthy as Kylowrent' continuously worked in "how expensive" every f**king thing 'he' provided was when 'he' simply took from stans, those gullible folk he hardly acknowledged.
It's was quite a
tit show. And that family. Bleeech'!