Absolutely this
I’m 5 weeks postpartum and find all the boasting and constant need for gratification from complete strangers about how lucky she is and how amazing she is doing completely intolerable. Personally, I’m doing well mentally and physically after birth, but there will be so many people in her following that are struggling/finding it hard and comparing themselves to her. What she *chooses* to show to her following is completely unrealistic.
I honestly think she thinks people are jealous and envy her and her chavvy lifestyle. I actually feel sorry for her and the fact she feels she has to showboat every aspect of her ‘perfect’ life for acceptance from strangers on the internet. I’ve actually enjoyed every single moment of my baby for the last 5 weeks and haven’t felt the need to shove my phone in their face every 5 minutes to broadcast them to the world. Put your
bleeping phone down enjoy them through your eyes, no a bastard iPhone!