She isn’t just doing provocative nude pictures, nudes are one thing but she’s doing very explicit masturbation videos where you can see literally EVERYTHING up close and some of these videos have ended up on porn websites.
Videos using dildos and vibrators on herself where you can see her face in them, and touching herself and fingering every orifice, these videos are now out there forever for everyone to see.
I genuinely don’t think she comprehends the damage this could do to her reputation and her life in the future.
Imagine her future kids finding out about these videos or even seeing them.
Ireland is a small place and I feel sorry for her brothers knowing their sister is fingering herself for money all over the internet.
When the money runs out and she has to go back to the real world and get a job this is seriously gonna limit her opportunities.
I really do worry for her, I hope she has someone sensible close to her giving her advice cause right now she’s on a path of self destruction.
Videos using dildos and vibrators on herself where you can see her face in them, and touching herself and fingering every orifice, these videos are now out there forever for everyone to see.
I genuinely don’t think she comprehends the damage this could do to her reputation and her life in the future.
Imagine her future kids finding out about these videos or even seeing them.
Ireland is a small place and I feel sorry for her brothers knowing their sister is fingering herself for money all over the internet.
When the money runs out and she has to go back to the real world and get a job this is seriously gonna limit her opportunities.
I really do worry for her, I hope she has someone sensible close to her giving her advice cause right now she’s on a path of self destruction.