VIP Member
Yea I think thats about it The tit show with R last night was comical. He's doing his online battles to make money and then N comes on and joins the person he's battling and gifts them loads so that R loses. Now I've no time for R at all, he's reaping what he's sowed over the years but N is giving crazy bully behaviour. Like she's spending her money sending gifts to people on tiktok so that R loses these battles. She's not exactly acting like someone who's just moved into a new home with her loving partner and is enjoying that new home honeymoon period. She's literally sitting on tiktok til all hours of the night playing games with teenagersIm in my 40's so not up to date with all this Tik Tok tit. But from what I saw, do people go on to Tik Tok and verbally abuse each other while people pay to watch? Do I have that right?